OMG Lovelies and Soulbards…
So much has happened since February 1st. I am sitting here, writing this between recording an interview with my author friend, Jodee Jean Daniels…
…not only is SontrowaArt’s Jeremy coloring in the line art for Abraxas live on his twitch…
…not only am I launching a new series with Mama Magie Ward…
…but also… we are migrating, merging, and merch-er-ing!
I have long used as a collective landing page for my books and services. At long last, is going to be up and running! This means that this newsletter is also going to undergo some cha-cha-cha-changes. Not only will have its own MERNA ONLY newsletter that comes out less frequently than this one, but will also house MERCH and THE TIARA BOOK BOX—and if you were part of Amaranth’s Library and The Merna Private Collection on Ream Stories… it, too, will revive over there! I HAVE MISSED YOU ALL!
It is good to be back. Thank you for being patient with me. Want to join over there?
Sincerely and gratefully,
Jenna OM
Your Soul Writer
Have a sneak peek at one of the tShirts!!
And at one of the mugs!!
Let me know what you think? Hope to see you over on the upcoming merger — or is it merch-er?