Do you live in the Hagerstown, Maryland area?
I will be signing books and selling books at 2nd&Charles again on June 22nd! This is my last planned in-person signing before the Kickstarter goes live on July 8th. Due to unforeseen circumstances and with much regret, I will not be attending Harrisburg Comic and Pop Con in August, so the signing at 2nd&Charles is, for the moment, my last planned signing for the summer. I will be there for two hours this Saturday with copies of Book 1 and 2 for purchase. I am so grateful to my local community for loving on Ian and Nephtyri’s found family so much in the last few months since Four State Comic Con (I plan on being there in 2025). More importantly, I am grateful to the people who are listed inside the acknowledgement page on Book 1 and Book 2.
They fully funded Book 1 and Book 2. I could not believe it.
This year, I hope to make that acknowledgements page way. Way. Waaaaaaaay longer.
Let’s give Jeremy a reason to make coloring pages of the couples being… coupley from certain moments in Books 1 - 5. We’ll put it that way. :)
I hope to see you at 2nd&Charles or virtually during the launch. We are doing a livestream on my YouTube on July 8, and I cannot wait to share all the epic with you.
Considering giving our SEVEN book Kickstarter a notification on launch click? Click here to join mernakind in other ways!
Books 1 and 2 are currently on Ream Stories for free by clicking here—and I started including free chapters of Frey’s spin off that happens during Book 2 as of this past week, so that’s a third in the making for free. Books 3-5 and Aryeh’s side quest of shorts with the Winged Ones are either up or in process respectively. Book 1 is free at all vendors in eBook form, if Ream Stories is not your jam, and you can find those portals to hop through by clicking here.
Oh! Even better news… I had the wonderful opportunity to interview with Alexa Bigwarfe of the Women in Publishing Summit and The Publish Her Podcast. We talked about building an author business, true, but I also talked about how much I am grateful for my Ream Stories superfans. They have been doing the alpha and beta reads of Book 1 through 5 for the last year. If that sounds like your jam—early access to things as I write them and having a say in them—then join us for the podcast here and over at Ream Stories using the above link?
Thank you for believing in stories about found families who heal together as the merry misfits they are through the binding magic of love.
Take care of you. I mean it. This world is a lot darker without you here, lovely.
All our gratitude,
Lots of love,
Free hugs,
~Jenna OM
Your Soul Writer