I finally took a deep dive…
Hello, lovelies! It has been a long time. What happened to things in December? Well, don’t I have a tale to tell you! Click the two videos below to find out what’s been going on as of late.
We’re off on new adventures…
If you’re an old friend from our previous server:
Thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far! So, where was your issue of the Sunwalker’s Side Quest in December 2022? Not only was I moving with my hubby into our new home (see below), but I had some snags in moving us from one subscriber server to another. Then, we were swamped with snow in the middle of our move/the week of Christmas… sigh, so much going on! I apologize the move took longer thank expected, and I appreciate having you follow us from one server to another. You’re welcome to stay for free. However, I may be adding a pay feature later on down the road as we continue to grow.
If you’re a new friend and want to learn more:
What is this Side Quest, and who is Soul Writer? Welcome, and please feel welcome to read along (or watch along, as I might make some videos or podcast items in the future). My name is Jenna O’Malley, your Soul Writer, and I teach English by day and writer sci-fi/fantasy with dashes of romance and nerdy references by night and on the weekends. At the same time, I am in the process of developing my writing coach and editing business, which will eventually lead to Soul Bard Productions, LLC: a place where your quill becomes your wings. If you subscribe to Soul Writer’s Side Quest, you’ll receive glimpses into areas of my life roughly a month before I post it on any of my other social media platforms.
Where else can you find me? Consider these options:
Wait, didn’t you unpublish all three of your books?
Yes, but with good reason! At the end of December 2022, I unpublished The Arsinoëphorus Alliance to finish the second half of it’s rebrand revolution relaunch! In the coming weeks, I will be making announcements on my YouTube channel and other social media that counts us down to not only a new cover for Book 1: Bound by Fate and Blood, but also the new book trailer and KICKSTARTER. That’s right. All the swag, my friends! Nephtyri’s spell crystals and candle or wax melt that’s as “smelly good” as Baron Christian Sinclair—nee Ian—himself!
Not only has the series name changed to accommodate the much larger world I did not originally foresee, but it also includes rewritten books, new covers, and more!
I hope to do posts more often than once a month on this platform, so thank you for joining me here. If you want to see specific content here in the future, please let me know? Thank you, take care of yourself, and be blessed!