Heyya, lovelies. Welcome back! I hope you’re doing well. Someone asked me recently, “Jenna, do you ever stop listening to music?” TL;DR: NEVER.
To be quite on my soap box about this topic would be a lovely disclaimer for me to give ahead of time. Ready, nerdy friends? Ready! Let’s do it!
I have always written while listening to some kind of background noise. In my younger years, I would cycle between The Golden Girls, Law and Order: SVU (seasons 1-8 only, and true fans know why), Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors, a few other anime, a few YouTube playlists, and a ton of music. Literally. If music could be weighed in metric tons, that would be my consumption per year.
As I’ve grown older, I’ve leaned less into the television shows or YouTubers and far, far more into music. When I became a teacher, I understood why that likeness changed as I grew older in many ways. Educators are encouraged to become well-versed in brain science, so I have some of that to back up what I am about to share with you.
When looking at what happens to the brain under MRI observation, doctors and researchers found that listening to music would light up more sections of the brain at one time than any other activity. This phenomenon occurred consistently across races, genders, and many other demographic or health based markers. Consider this video from The Kennedy Center to find out more. Or this video on how patients with Parkinson’s and dementia benefit from music therapy.
Essentially, the brain comes alive when we listen to music in ways the picture above mocks in so many accurate ways. Studies reach beyond considering what classical music does for the mind! Even us metalheads will be surprised to find the binaural impact our favorite bands have on our creativity.
Therefore, yes. Emphatically. Proudly. I listen to a TON of music when I write. If you want to hear some of the tunes that I often blast while working on The Merna Annals, consider the playlist I keep on my YouTube channel for this world’s aesthetic: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoxOsnYYRU4GbGrK6rohGUkU5x5T37Jyf
How about you? Do you think certain types of music are better to be used in certain areas of life? For example, would you write to something but workout or clean to something else? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to read your thoughts.
Thanks for your support so far, lovelies. Take care of yourself; I know you’re worth it!
Blessings be,
Jenna O’Malley
~Your Soul Writer
Thank you all for your patience and support as we gear up to Book 1’s Kickstarter Campaign. Please feel welcome to check out this link as we inch closer to March 23, 2023 and all the wonderful things!
Once more, thank you for your support! I hope to read more from you soon.
Yes! I agree! At work I listen to icon for hire station punk pop as my job is kinda repeat TBR but while writung or cleaning it’s Disney: shoetunes